Turbomachinery Reliability Solutions
Complex Turbomachinery needs top-notch expertise to diagnose its faults: InspecTest can surely do.
Orbit Analysis:
Orbit plots provide an indication of the dynamic Movement of the center of the shaft.
Shaft Centerline Analysis:
Centerline diagrams are used to monitor the position of the center if the shaft inside journal bearing as the machine runs up to the speed, while it is running at speed and while it runs back down from full speed when it is shut down.
Transient Analysis:
Transient analysis for turbomachinery is used to identify short duration transients during operations. It is also used to examine the turbine rotor behavior over the period of long time (24/48/72 hours) with continuous probes attached to the machine.
Bode Plotting, Polar Plotting, Cascade Plotting:
Bode Plotting: Vibration amplitude and phase are displayed as a function of frequency (CPM). Resonance or critical speed could be detected.
Polar Plotting: Vibration amplitude and phase are displayed at different frequencies in polar (circular) coordinates. High spots and Heavy spots could be located. Resonance or critical speed could be detected. Slow roll compensation can be easily performed.
Cascade Plotting: 3D plot correlating the parameters of frequency and amplitude with spectra samples. It can be analyzed for resonance, looseness, rubs, instability, etc. and for onset and progress of resonant related activity, and any constant-frequency vibration that may be present.
Run-Up/Coast-Down Test:
Run-Up/Coast-Down Test are used to identify the natural/resonance frequencies of rotor during startup and shutdown. Any difference in the values lead to presence of non-linearity (damage) inside the rotor.